2024 Exhibitor List.
A Tail of Yarn www.atailofyarn.com
Liz is passionate about informing and inspiring others, so creates spinning and weaving kits, and runs workshops and classes in Dorset where she promotes a mindful and sustainable way of life,keeping traditional crafts alive in an ever-changing world.
BlueBarn.Life www.bluebarn.life
Fast Fashion clothing (mass produced using cheap labour and poor quality, man-made textiles) is intended to be cheap and thrown away after a few weeks. It is bad for the planet. At BlueBarn.Life we believe in Slow Fashion. Our designs are timeless, often based on traditional workwear. They are loose so you can layer up to wear them through the seasons. We choose natural fibres and often make use of vintage textiles. Our makers are based locally and are highly skilled. We hope you'll wear our clothes for years and years and that none will ever end up in landfill.
Catherine Potter @catherinepottercrafts
Designer and creator of up cycled craft objects made from old buttons and re-purposed fabric which are either donated or sourced from charity shops. Most popular items are button necklaces and denim aprons and oven gloves.
Hawkers Re-Creatives www.hawkersfarm.org/hawkers-recreatives
A hub for sustainable sewing with an abundance of resources, Hawkers Barn hosts drop in mending and sewing sessions on Thursday mornings and the space can be booked for taster craft and sewing parties. There is a permanent swap rail and the Wear Me Out library of clothes as well as Second to None, a curated collection of natural fibre second hand clothes and much more.
Henry's Buttons. www.henrysbuttons.co.uk
Anna McDowell's aim is to keep the tradition of Dorset Buttons alive, she uses traditional methods to make modern style buttons and also jewellery.
Joanna Jacobs www.instagram.com/joannavictoriajacobs
Selling vintage clothes collected on her travels such as beautiful embroidered Mexican pieces.
Laura Basevi. www.laurabasevi.co.uk
Breathing new life into vintage textiles Laura designs beautiful and bohemian one-of-a-kind pieces from her studio by the sea in Dorset. Sustainability is fundamental to her brand, only repurposed materials are used even down to the vintage fastenings. To limit waste, the label produces small collections throughout the year and offers clients a made to measure service.
Made by Jules @madebyjulesindorset
A sustainable maker based in Sherborne Julie uses the ancient craft of wet felting to create an array of hand made items including; baby booties, buttons and bags. She is passionate about using materials sourced locally and is presently developing methods to use alpaca fibre from local, small scale producers which would otherwise be wasted.
Power of Selection. @powerofselection
Thea Batty is a Welsh curator, educator and sustainability specialist based in Dorset. At the core of her practice is a radically empathic approach towards educating and curating as a social practice. Her mission is to challenge unethical labour practices in the fashion and textile industry and advocate for climate justice through gentle forms of protesting.
Second to None www.hawkersfarm.org
A curated collection of natural fibre second hand clothing, with an emphasis on British makes and hand made items. You will also find bags and scarves in addition to alpaca and cashmere jumpers.
Marina Skua www.marinaskua.com
Yarn dyer and hand-knit designer, Marina supplies characterful yarn in rich, semi-solid jewel tones and delicate pastel shades. The yarn is all made from locally sourced fibre, grown by happy, well treated animals on farms she has visited. The yarn is spun in UK mills and dyed by Marina, using non toxic dyes.
Snooks Farm www.snooksfarmalpacas.co.uk
Luxury alpaca and sheep goods for you and your home to include; clothing and make your own kits
Stitch Snitch ssstitchsssnitch.bigcartel.com
Sustainable one-off unique knitwear.
Tamarisk Farm www.tamariskfarm.co.uk
Tamarisk Farm produces Organic knitting wools in Chunky, Aran, DK and 4-ply. With 5 breeds of sheep on the farm, there is a wide array of colours on offer. For the spinners we have roving in soft cream and mid-grey, and we can have yarn spun to order for weavers. We now have shawls and blankets woven to our specifications by Bristol Weaving Mill, as well as limited quantities of fabric by the metre!
Townhill Studio www.townhillstudio.co.uk
Annabel has a passion for stitched shibori and loves to show how these skills can be used to repurpose and epicycle clothing. Her shibori speciality is to create forms from the natural world, such as flowers, leaves and shells. She uses these natural forms to decorate clothing, some for sale, with each piece individually stitched, creating simple stunning garments. Annabel wants to encourage others to upcycle and to that end her website provides a blog full of shibori patterns and designs for sale. Her workshops will introduce some of the secrets of shibori.
Woolcraft with Wensleydale www.juliadesch.com
Mixed wool supplies including; Washed Locks, Combed TOPS Single Roving, Worsted Spun Yarns, Designer Handknits and collector's items. The fibre is in uniquely graded natural shades: Silver/ Steel Grey/ Bitter Chocolate and Cream.
Vintage Maid www.facebook.com/VintageMaid
A stall full of stitchy wonders - vintage & reclaimed fabrics, lace, patterns, haberdashery & tools for making all sorts of things from reclaimed & re-purposed resources!