The Barn is the home of Hawkers Re-Creatives, a hub for Sustainable Fashion and much more. Join our drop-in stitching group on Thursdays, learn how to; mend, make a skirt, upcycle a garment or embroider or just enjoy the company of like minded people.
The barn is open on Thursdays 10 - 12.30 and occasionally on Saturdays
call to check 07801 240103. Sessions are free.
Stitch it Together Make new clothes and new friends
In Stitches Embroidery
Mend Save Love Because some old clothes are too precious
to throw away
Mend & Make New Upcycling textile waste into new garments
Second to None Natural fibre secondhand clothes for sale
Wabi Sabey Upcycled saris and redesigned clothes for sale
Wear Me Out Library of clothes with outfits for weddings, parties and special occasions, including handbags & hats.
With special thanks to Charity Charity for her wordsmithery skills